He does stop short of advocating increased carbon dioxide emissions, but not by much.
Global anthropogenic sulphur dioxide emission reached 75-100 million tonnes a year in 1980.
The plant provides enough energy for 8,000 homes and saves an estimated 30,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
Tailpipes account for more than half the state's carbon dioxide emissions, federal figures show.
About 65 percent of India's carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 was from heating, domestic uses and power sector.
Around the world, people are growing increasingly concerned about carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Because America's carbon dioxide emissions, associated with global warming, have risen 1.7 percent since then.
Diesel vehicles consume less fuel and produce fewer carbon dioxide emissions.
Carbon dioxide emission from the global cement industry (in 1994)
This amounts to about 30% of all carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels.