You know I'm supposed to check the oxygen/carbon dioxide levels on his compartments, but he hovers over me as if I were after industrial secrets.
Keene surreptitiously increased a little the carbon dioxide level that the monitors would set to.
This increase in radiative forcing from human activity is attributable mainly to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
About a third of all people with morbid obesity (a body mass index exceeding 40 kg/m) have elevated carbon dioxide levels in the blood.
A study using loblolly pines showed that higher atmospheric carbon dioxide levels may help the trees to endure ice storms better.
If looking for information on the background carbon dioxide levels and isotopic ratios, atmospheric scientists collect their air samples from remote locations.
Breathe absolutely normally; allow the body to dictate the rate of breathing to make sure the carbon dioxide levels are properly calibrated.
High carbon dioxide levels in the body (hypercapnia)
For example, a person with increased minute volume (e.g. due to hyperventilation) should demonstrate a lower blood carbon dioxide level.
Whenever there is poor pulmonary ventilation, the carbon dioxide levels in the blood are expected to rise.