A year ago, a dollar purchased just under 83 yen, having hit absolute bottom the month before when it briefly dipped under 80 yen.
Rents dipped briefly after Sept. 11 but, like the markets, they're on the rise again, with subway-car-size flats in my neglected tenement going for $2,000.
In 1979 it dipped briefly below four francs to a dollar, and in the mid-80's it hovered for a time at just over 10.
His mouth dipped to hers briefly, then slid down her chin and around her jawline.
Briefly dip the base of each mould into a bowl of boiled water.
Approximately one million years ago, when I was in my early teens, I briefly dipped a toe into the world of competitive chess.
His gaze skimmed over her face, dipped briefly down to her badge.
Yesterday, the price of oil dipped briefly below $15.
Evening and morning merged into a few hours of luminous twilight as the sun dipped briefly below the horizon before bursting into view once more.
Bitcoin prices briefly dipped by 23% to $37 as the event occurred before recovering to their previous level in the following hours, a price of approximately $48.