The LTTE credits the formation of the Air Tigers air-wing to Colonel Shankar, alias Vythialingam Sornalingam, a diploma graduate of Hartley College in Point Pedro.
City score based on what level of diploma graduates earn.
Other newly enrolled diploma graduates are exempted from certain courses according to their academic performance and courses taken during their diploma programmes.
As diploma studies started on vocational route of study after school for three years, the Bachelor of Technology is the logical next degree for diploma graduates.
In addition, a college transfer program in Business Administration enables 3-year diploma graduates to complete a BAdmin degree in one year.
A diploma graduate (With Distinction) of the University of Reading, England, he spent more time supervising classes, projects, and construction works.
N programme was created in response to the unique educational needs of the diploma graduate.
High school diploma graduate or equivalent with successful completion of 10th grade.
The Diploma may be an interim award in a degree programme, in which case the Programme aims to prepare diploma graduates for employment as well as to prepare them to progress to the award of a degree.
Wayne Magee, also a diploma graduate from the Brisbane College AIR-TV (formally with Radio 4GY Gympie, BCV TV Victoria and National Nine News Adelaide) started with the network in 1976.