Western diplomats had accused the Soviet Union of pressing that initiative as a way to delay Council consideration of an arms embargo against Iran.
Iran's most senior diplomat at the United Nations came here today and accused the Clinton Administration of continuing a "hostile" policy toward Iran.
In protests to the State Department, diplomats in New York are accusing the authorities of violating international conventions governing access to detainees.
Privately, some aid workers and diplomats accuse the S.L.A. of sowing the seeds of further conflict by acts of provocation.
Western diplomats and newspapers accused the Russian government that through bribing and intimidation, it determined the Ottoman officials to reject the proposal of Szechenyi's company.
Opposition groups and diplomats accuse him of forming militant gangs that act as a sort of auxiliary force to the police.
Progress in the talks here had slowed significantly in the last two months and some Western diplomats had accused the Soviet Union of foot-dragging.
Goliath and David In private, senior United Nations officials and diplomats accuse the 70-year-old Prince of self-indulgence.
Western diplomats have accused the Zimbabwean president, Robert Mugabe, of launching a new wave of repression against political foes.
Politicians, diplomats and commentators accuse the United States of acting imperiously.