An attractive French diplomat called Delphine takes me under her wing.
It's said a Chinese diplomat called Wong Kam is a close friend of the strongest red pole in Manila, Hwak Tan.
It is believed the author of the book may have been a young Dutch diplomat called Jan Vroesen.
The diplomats called this sort of atmosphere "correct," which meant two sides hated each other but neither showed what it was feeling.
Over the last two days, Cairo's leading newspapers have published what diplomats called officially inspired criticism of the P.L.O.'s response to the rifle and grenade assault.
The raid originated in Libya, and after it was thwarted Egyptian diplomats frantically called on officials in Jerusalem and in Washington.
Do you remember a French diplomat called Jean 29 Semple?
At the train station, they meet a Russian diplomat called Tomanovsky, who knew 13th Aunt when they were studying in Britain.
They now have what one American diplomat called "a clear runway" to press for a gradually escalating series of sanctions, which some officials clearly hope will bring down Mr. Kim's government.