In private, some diplomats and health organization officials have criticized Dr. Nakajima's management skills.
In recent days, some Western diplomats here have criticized what they see as naive American credulousness toward the Haitian military.
Western diplomats have frequently criticized Russia's behavior, but Russia denied its actions have violated any international law.
But Israeli diplomats criticized the Palestinian plan to reconvene the conference in November, or next January.
Many Western diplomats have also criticized Bulgaria for repressing that nation's Turkish minority.
One American diplomat criticized the force as behaving more like "Boy Scouts than soldiers."
American diplomats have criticized his effectiveness, stating that "he's no Genscher".
Rights groups and diplomats have criticized the two-month delay, saying evidence will have disappeared.
Western diplomats criticized the decision.
The move was legal under the Constitution, but the opposition and Western diplomats criticized the bullying.