Whatever the present system is called, international economic officials and diplomats give the Government high marks for its realism in adopting non-Communist economics.
But three diplomats give his life new meaning.
Western diplomats who have visited the camps give the Turks good marks for having done their best with the $15 million they have spent.
But human rights workers and foreign diplomats give a sharply different account.
Delay may suit hard-liners in Moscow's military who feel the diplomats gave away too much.
Was that why this highly placed diplomat had given a mere private investigator ten minutes out of his crowded schedule?
Human-rights organizations and Western diplomats gave a qualified welcome today to Iran's decision to free thousands of political prisoners.
Finally, when some doubted his capacity to speak, the diplomat gave his response.
The diplomat gave way visibly to the soldier.
However, the foreign diplomats gave no hope for any outside support to the Norwegians.