Many Western diplomats, when asked this question last week, shrugged and pointed to the continuing publication of opposition and even ultranationalist newspapers.
American diplomats point to a striking difference between the DeVine case and most other killings, including some involving Americans.
Some traders and diplomats pointed instead to the dispute within the United Nations, saying that the confusion over the continuation of oil-for-food has effectively suspended the program in Ceyhan.
Many Western diplomats and academics have pointed to this as an indication that economic liberalization coupled with a softer ideological line had triumphed.
Still, West German diplomats pointed to a series of economic accords that were signed here Friday, before Mr. Kohl interrupted his visit.
The intermediary was not named but diplomats and analysts pointed to Qadeer Khan.
Some diplomats pointed to the possibility of a "false coup," in which the armed forces takes the leading role in enforcing the policies of the ruling group.
The diplomats pointed to the difficulties that relief workers face in Ethiopia, where a Marxist central Government is locked in a civil war against well-armed opponents.
African officials and foreign diplomats point to a number of dangers that could stifle the promise of the region.
Several diplomats and other specialists here pointed with hope to a new African initiative to bring the two sides in Angola together.