Of all the guests assembled in the East Room, the diplomats seemed most at home, but then that is their minimal function.
The diplomat seemed to indicate, however, that the Vatican's broader concerns would figure in the talks.
The diplomats didn't seem to want to relive their youth under the carbon arc at that time of the day.
But diplomats from both countries in the current case seemed to want to avoid a moral dispute.
The diplomat, young for a senior member of the Chinese foreign ministry at age sixty-one, seemed bored and distracted.
These days politicians, diplomats and economists can't seem to get enough of the word.
Several Iranian diplomats in the crowd seemed to miss this last nuance.
Mr. Koppel and his colleagues had the authority to succeed where diplomats seem to have failed.
Western diplomats seem at a loss to explain China's hard line.
The diplomat seems to have superpowers however and was able to convince everyone to lay down their arms.