Numerous diplomats have traveled to Iran in the past month as tension has grown over its nuclear program and its role in Iraq.
And if diplomats can't travel or circulate, then diplomacy becomes virtual.
Serbia will be the focus of intense diplomatic attention this week as senior Russian and Chinese officials visit Belgrade and Europe's top diplomats travel to Moscow.
Fourteen of the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union have just been downgraded from "critical" security risks to "high," meaning diplomats can travel to them alone, without chaperones.
North Korean diplomats almost always travel through Moscow on their way to other destinations.
Many diplomats, including some English officials, have traveled into France on safe-conducts recently.
Cuban diplomats in the interests section here cannot travel more than 25 miles out of the capital without the State Department's permission.
But the embassy will remain open and its Panamanian employees will be kept on, including security guards, who protect the embassy and American diplomats traveling through the country.
The diplomats travelled by ship.
It might decide to suspend next month's session in New York for a few days while staffers and diplomats travel to Geneva.