The visit, he added was "a diplomatic defeat" for Tokyo.
A little over a year later, as a result of this diplomatic defeat, Izvolsky was demoted and made ambassador to France.
When he attempted to restore national pride by wresting the Suez Canal out of British hands he suffered an embarrassing diplomatic defeat and, at home, unrest turned to opposition.
This was already considered a diplomatic defeat for Prussia.
Mindful of the Europeans' rejection last May of his proposal to arm the Muslim-dominated Bosnian Government, Mr. Clinton was loath to risk another humiliating diplomatic defeat.
It meant diplomatic defeat for Austria-Hungary and also a reputation of being weak and indecisive for Count Berchtold.
Weinberg has established that Hitler regarded the Munich Agreement as a diplomatic defeat that deprived Germany of the war that was intended to be begin on October 1, 1938.
To suffer diplomatic defeat in the wake of military victory is to breed distrust and disillusion at home, where the political reaction would be unpredictable.
A7 Confusion among the contras is high as they try to deal with an accord signed by five Central Amercian presidents, a diplomatic defeat that has left their struggle in a precarious state.
And they fought to make sense of a diplomatic defeat that has left their struggle in the most precarious state since it began eight years ago.