Vakhtang started for his diplomatic journey, in company with a Russian general, but fell ill on his way, and died at Astrakhan on March 26, 1737.
In 1158 Rainald undertook a diplomatic journey into Italy to prepare the way for the emperor.
It is likely to be his last major diplomatic journey.
It is likely to be the last major diplomatic journey of his 10 years in office.
In 1562 he was in Antwerp; the following years were spent in diplomatic journeys to France and back to Saxony.
During this time, he accompanied the Secretary of State on all diplomatic journeys and state visits, traveling over 335,000 miles and visiting over 65 countries.
Kennard suggests instead that Lew make a diplomatic journey to Aldaran.
Shortly after that, he embarked on his last diplomatic journey as Imperial Ambassador to Constantinople, a trip that lasted from 1665 until 1666.
Cuin is absent from the ceremony on a diplomatic journey, but his escort betrays and nearly kills him.
Moreno resigned, and died during a diplomatic journey to Britain.