Amongst them should be help coming from outside, things like diplomatic leverage by the' superpowers', such as sanctions.
But the Administration has failed to use all the diplomatic leverage at its disposal to win the fight over ratification requirements.
In other circumstances, commercial agreements, tariffs and loans might give diplomatic leverage.
Still, there remain arguments for keeping at least some sanctions in place, for future diplomatic leverage.
If it became public that the rule was broken, the faithless member would lose much diplomatic leverage.
His supporters say he has had no other choice, lacking an army, defined borders or the diplomatic leverage of sovereignty.
So Petterson started out with little diplomatic leverage.
Where necessary, we must use all our political and diplomatic leverage to seek reforms now rather than later.
With the money cleared for return, the Macao accounts no longer provide diplomatic leverage.
But now, having investigated her public comments, I think diplomatic leverage really was on her mind.