The diplomatic progress made so far could still stall.
The relative calm and the halting diplomatic progress have come after a gruesome year in one of the world's most brutal wars.
Most important, however, it is the credible threat of force that traditionally produces diplomatic progress.
The impression of diplomatic progress, so the argument runs, has a quietening effect on the region.
This agression just makes the task of achieving sound scientifically knowledge based diplomatic progress so difficult.
In fact, he appeared to do whatever he could to disrupt diplomatic progress.
Pentagon officials say the risk of conflict remains unless India takes steps to reduce its forces and unless further diplomatic progress is made.
His experience yielded diplomatic progress on at least four fronts.
I support placing the budgetary line as a first step in the reserve to be released according to diplomatic progress.
His advisers say diplomatic progress achieved so far would have been impossible without the Thais.