However, his diplomatic record is mainly one of failure.
During this time, historians remained unable to read the coded diplomatic records of the time in the French archives.
By what right, it was asked, did he have access to Cabinet, military and diplomatic records which were denied to other historians?
According to diplomatic records, Seoul moved quickly to identify emergency rice supplies.
The latter also reviews some important documentation from the Israeli diplomatic record.
Perhaps history will judge him, and his diplomatic record especially, more kindly than the voters did last Tuesday.
Now is the time to set the historical, diplomatic and legal record straight.
The office also makes recommendations to other bureaus regarding the identification, maintenance, and long-term preservation of important historical diplomatic records.
Firstly, historians and political analysts who wrote about this issue directly after the war were not in possession of closed diplomatic records.
Followup exchanges continued through to April 1846 where diplomatic records of events end.