A diplomatic stalemate persisted until, following the death of Franco, the Thatcher government initiated a new political process that resulted in the Lisbon Agreement.
Throughout what became a diplomatic stalemate, Britain insisted that the sailors and marines were in Iraqi waters on United Nations-mandated business.
This led to a diplomatic stalemate.
The growing military and diplomatic stalemate, both inside and outside the country, suggests efforts to topple Muammar Gaddafi could fail, at least in the short term.
There's diplomatic stalemate, too.
All this adds up to a formula for diplomatic stalemate, with markets left to determine the relative value of currencies.
Mr. Powell and Mr. Annan need to follow up on their visits by breaking this deadly diplomatic stalemate.
Cirincione has advocated for negotiations to end the diplomatic stalemate regarding the nuclear program of Iran.
After four years of guerrilla warfare and diplomatic stalemates, Indonesia finally gained recognition of its independence in December, 1949.
Mr. Doherty has been held without bail since he was picked up on an immigration warrant, and his case led to a diplomatic stalemate.