Her usually keen judgment and her diplomatic tact again and again recalled Peter the Great.
And the selection itself required diplomatic tact.
The January Uprising in 1863 gave him an opportunity of showing his immense knowledge of Eastern politics and his combination of diplomatic tact with resolute determination.
No doubt, Najib-ud-Daula also possessed great diplomatic tact and political sagacity.
Surprisingly, Williams also had diplomatic tact in him.
But given Mexico's sensitivities about U.S. meddling, Washington must pursue those goals with extraordinary diplomatic tact.
M. Cambon, visiting Opposition leaders after his painful interview with Grey, now dropped diplomatic tact altogether.
Also present was the question of diplomatic tact.
It was past time to apply some diplomatic tact to the situation.
I would like to stress the importance of the contribution by Mrs Barsi-Pataky, whose expertise and diplomatic tact helped to negotiate the renewed referral.