Military conflict between France and Austria was effectively ended, although a few more months of diplomatic wrangling were required to make the result official.
While the diplomatic wrangling goes on, outside groups are seizing the chance to drive home their message.
In the wake of the diplomatic wrangling, administration officials defended their policy toward Iraq.
Still, all the diplomatic wrangling in Washington wears thin after so long.
In the diplomatic wrangling that led up to the war, Phoenix carved out a new franchise among viewers.
His return ended years of legal and diplomatic wrangling.
After further diplomatic wrangling, Richard was freed on 4 February 1194.
Israel's five hours of talks with Syria, which started on Sunday after much diplomatic wrangling, were described as frustrating.
The report was delayed for several days amid diplomatic wrangling.
Russia and Georgia, with their relations under severe stress, used the occasion of the referendum for diplomatic wrangling.