Block argues that rounders and early baseball were actually regional variants of each other, and that the game's most direct antecedents are the English games of stoolball and "tut-ball".
While Classic Veracruz culture shows influences from Teotihuacan and the Maya, neither of these cultures are its direct antecedents.
Although the newspaper has been known under its current name for 74 years, its direct antecedents go back to 1882, and its indirect one to 1858, only five years after the town itself began.
Though tame by today's standards, their slangy, good-humored expressions of teen-age defiance were the direct antecedents of contemporary rap songs.
More direct antecedents are the writing systems that developed in the 4th millennium B.C. Written record keeping and information sharing practices, along with oral tradition, sustain and transmit information from one group to another.
Mr. Woolley is particularly informative on arcana such as the origins of flight simulators, which are the most direct antecedents of virtual reality.
AOP has several direct antecedents: reflection and metaobject protocols, subject-oriented programming, Composition Filters and Adaptive Programming.
"True Blue" is a dance-pop song inspired by the Motown's girl groups from the 1960s which are considered the direct antecedents of Madonna's musical sound.
It specializes in artifacts of the Dong Son civilization, also known as Lac Viet, whom modern Vietnamese claim as direct antecedents.
Over the succeeding decades, two more direct antecedents emerged.