Farmer, in direct collaboration with Giannini, fictionalized the results of his clinical work in the form of a sci-fi novel.
The leader is supportive, but allows the group to come to a decision without their direct collaboration.
Ştefănescu entered into a direct collaboration with them and spent the years 1929-1933 in Paris, a period which he considered to be the most fruitful of his scientific life.
The original score was composed by German composer Wolfgang Zeller in direct collaboration with the animation of the film.
Laws counted on the complicity and even direct collaboration of high-ranking officials in the WYC.
All the research CREA carries out is done with the direct collaboration of the subjects researched, using the critical communicative methodology.
Implementation of this component is guided by national governments and entails direct collaboration with a variety of local counterparts inside and outside government.
Another source of financial support is direct collaboration between Western and Russian laboratories.
The arms trade dominated the exchange, and numerous attempts at direct military collaboration were also made .
Keeley, the definitive translator of 20th-century Greek poetry into English, has benefited often from direct collaboration with the authors themselves.