His direct compensation from the company also jumped last year, but not as much.
But anything short of direct compensation might not satisfy the war victims.
It called for direct compensation and a written apology.
If successful, they receive direct compensation from the federal government.
Although I received no direct compensation, it certainly increased my credibility to a good customer, and how do you put a price on that?
Three reported direct compensation from Glaxo, though no amounts were listed.
The Government up to now has ruled out direct compensation for the 1,200 haemophiliacs, 200 of whom are children.
The median amount of that direct compensation grew even more, by 17 percent, to $3.16 million.
The women have demanded direct compensation, and none is provide in the plan announced today.
For example, more than 80 percent of my direct compensation is performance-based, and therefore not guaranteed.