He became Washington editor in 1992, directing coverage of the 1994 and 1996 elections, and foreign editor in 1997.
Jawhar also focused on women's rights, health, politics and economic issues, including directing coverage of the annual Jeddah Economic Forum.
During the 1970s he directed coverage of a number of important news stories, including the Vietnam war and the Watergate scandal.
In that post he directed coverage of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
As an editor he directed coverage of economic policy in the paper's business section and also directed political features in the Style section.
After the death of his publisher Lansing Warren that summer, Pfister assumed publishing duties, immersing himself in the paper's operations and directing political coverage.
As deputy national editor, Devroy directed coverage of the 1988 Presidential campaign.
Mr. Boyd will direct coverage of New York City and the region.
Art Rolineux, directing coverage of the Super Bowl, had eleven of his twelve cameras die on him, and the twelfth started blooming.
He directed coverage of hundreds of football and basketball games, Olympic events, and special programs and won seven Emmy awards for his work in the field.