The judge advocate allowed himself a direct glance into Greenwald's eyes, and a thin cold grin.
She met a direct glance and saw an open, eager smile, as if he were sharing a confidence with a friend.
He looked at her with a very direct glance.
To avoid a direct glance from the divinity they had just implanted, the artists worked with their backs turned, using a mirror.
Roberta - A bulky woman with short black curls, a strong face, direct glance and reserved judgment.
Its direct glance was fatal, even to an ogre.
He gave her a quick, direct glance, and she felt an odd little jolt of realization.
She gave Ben a direct, friendly glance that he liked.
His heart beat painfully at each direct glance of those gray, unhuman eyes.
When he brushed past her without a direct glance, she knew something was wrong.