Because options do not involve the direct purchase of the stock, they can be bought for as little as pennies a share.
Brokerage and other fees make the direct purchase of shares worth less than 2,000 expensive.
There are a couple of possibilities: direct purchase or license to produce.
They used to collect these home-made products either as commission agent or as through direct purchases.
But the quest for greater consistency in quality and price has encouraged big processors to increase direct purchases from growers.
Some labels are applied to the direct purchase of energy or to the power stations producing electricity.
A direct purchase through Vanguard would cost $18, according to the document.
And other times, direct purchase simply doesn't work.
The direct purchase of wetlands to restore and protect it.
Most conventions will feature some kind of an art show, in which artists' work is displayed, often for direct purchase or auction during the convention.