Someone repeated the remark to Penn, who had no direct rebuttal but said menacingly, "Maybe he thinks he can go around me, too."
Zhu's writings are a direct rebuttal to the Jesuit Matteo Ricci (利瑪竇).
Peter Hitchens views the series His Dark Materials as a direct rebuttal of The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis.
Many of the authors Burroughs criticized in his essays chose not to issue direct rebuttals.
Lincoln's 43-page answer to the 102-page complaint avoided a direct rebuttal of the charges against Mr. Bacon, whose financial dealings appeared highly questionable.
The move was a direct rebuttal to a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Christian polemic is an attack against other belief systems, and not framed as a direct rebuttal of criticism.
Remington responded with the website Remington Model 700 Network which gives direct rebuttals to the program, and their perspective on the incidents the program makes claims about.
Many of the points he raised seemed to be direct rebuttals to denunciations in the report, which was released by a Suffolk County panel on Monday.
Although Anarchy State and Utopia has been construed as a response to Rawls's A Theory of Justice, Rawls never provided a direct and sustained rebuttal.