Similarly, in the 3rd century a shift away from direct revelation as a source of authority occurred.
The ngimurok in each area receive direct revelations from Akuj, who is still directly active and concerned with the creation.
Some ask now, as many did then, whether people living after the time of the apostles still receive direct revelation.
At this time Ghulam claimed that God had begun communicating with him, often through direct revelation.
The written words, it could only be assumed, had been carved on Sinai by direct revelation.
- Israel's absolute monotheism - belief in the one true God - and the ritual as a direct revelation from him.
Intellectual speculation must give way to a direct revelation from God, such as the prophets received.
It represents a direct divine revelation that delivers a capacity for understanding beyond the parameters of normal discourse.
It is believed by mainstream Christianity that direct revelation had ceased with the death of the early apostles in the first century.
Maimonides stated that Moses was the greatest of the prophets and only he experienced direct revelation.