Sunbathing is a popular leisure activity in which a person sits or lies in direct sunshine.
City gardeners lament the tall buildings nearby that may grant them only five hours of direct sunshine.
As a result of the enormous increase in f-number while maintaining the same exposure time, one must use a fast film in direct sunshine.
With the heavy clouds overhead, there was no direct sunshine to worry about.
Instead of washing out in direct sunshine, the screen increases its own brightness by reflecting the light.
In direct sunshine, roof temperatures can exceed 150 degrees.
He did not put his hand into the sunlight, but shifted the glare shutters over those ports which admitted direct sunshine.
Overhead the sun had passed into midafternoon, but the ragged cliffs rose too high to admit direct sunshine.
They also keep out rain, direct sunshine, and noise.
To the south the Jubiläumsgrat shields the glacier from direct sunshine.