Menke went on to work with Tarantino on everything he directed up until her death.
And that turning, spinning, is really directing the energy up.
Todd shook his head, and directed her attention up at the tree where the angelic presence still sat.
Her attention, Spock saw, was directed up at one of the small shrieking creatures.
A jerk of the thumb directed him up and into the tram.
He cut down two men rushing toward the cart, then quickly directed his fire up at the water tower.
Then I inquired of various people in the town until the ostler at the inn directed me up here.
Hanging from the branch, Nate caught a frustrated glower directed up at him.
His gaze was still directed up at the ceiling of the Barony Coach.
I was directed up through the town, past some municipal gardens to a small building set back from the road.