Playing the role as best he could, he pointed down the corridor in the direction opposite of the airlock that was his destination.
However, they bend the horse in the direction opposite of the turn, resulting in a crooked canter.
Then, depending upon conditions the wave may reflect in the direction opposite of the initial wave.
He's in Lyavor, and planning on going the direction opposite of this place.
It turns in the direction opposite of how it is initially steered.
The result is a virtual 90 degree turn, using all three dimensions, in the direction opposite of the roll.
The direction opposite of the nadir is the zenith.
Here, air resistance is assumed to be in the direction opposite of the projectile's velocity.
Negative mass would possess some strange properties, such as accelerating in the direction opposite of applied force.
Here the toes are pointing in the direction opposite of the direction the heel of the foot is moving.