The new directive will affect hundreds of thousands and eventually millions of children.
The directive affects about 1,775 officers and detectives and has added 15 to 20 foot patrols a week in each of the city's 75 precincts.
This directive in fact affects a different group of people from those in the UN protocol.
With enlargement around the corner, some consideration must be given as to how this directive will affect the newcomers' individual labour markets.
No, we cannot, for a directive of this kind also affects indirectly what may be some countries' very significantly higher standards.
This directive obviously affects a large part of the economy in the Europe of 25 Member States.
I also believe the statement that the directive does not affect labour law is justified.
This directive would of course not affect that, but it could potentially remove places where people could get those instruments repaired and maintained.
Gradually, directives from the European Commission are affecting business life in Britain.
Some directives also affect the following paragraphs.