It existed solely for a humanitarian purpose and conflicted directly with the laws and economic stability of many of these communities.
These instances have been found to directly conflict with the otherwise realistic images and events of the novel.
Zeuner's evidence in several sworn statements has subsequently been shown to conflict directly with declassified records.
My own sense of myself as a person directly conflicted with the kind of girl who was sung about in pop songs..
By early 1934, this vision directly conflicted with Hitler's plan to consolidate power and expand the Reichswehr.
In them, Mr. Libby gave answers that directly conflicted with the reporters' accounts.
The Republicans' calculations directly conflict with the new figures released tonight by the Congressional Budget Office.
This directly conflicted with Goodstein's role, the person said.
His policies directly conflict with the eradiction policy of the United States.
Often our trade policies conflict directly with our development cooperation policy.