In modern usage Candlepower equates directly to the unit known as the candela.
In general modern use, a candlepower now equates directly (1:1) to the number of candelas-an implicit increase from its old value.
Antioxidant status and activity are useful biomarkers but do not directly equate to a health outcome.
But this does not equate directly to a 95 per cent or higher chance that they reflect the Higgs boson, experts explained.
Sweeney directly equated solidarity charters to DALUs.
City status does not directly equate with population size.
The last plea is, or course, biblical: "Be merci- ful, 0 Lord, unto thy people Israel-" (Deuteronomy 21:8), and Kipling here directly equates the British with Israel.
You appear to directly equate today's Republican Party with the leaders of the Confederacy, yikes.
Other academics were more cautious than Ginzburg in directly equating the Livonian werewolf with shamanism.
I) Less Stress : Less hours worked equates directly to less stress.