The highway, which directly parallels the pipeline, is one of the most isolated roads in the United States.
The diversity of the spirits thus directly parallels the Akawaio social order.
Many media pundits recognized the book's main conflict between the Chairman and Judge Cartwright as directly paralleling the contest between Vice-Presidential Democratic nominee Joe Biden and Republican nominee Sarah Palin.
On the next tour, in a scene directly paralleling one near the beginning of the film with their roles reversed, Izzy hears a fan (Myles Kennedy) singing along with him toward the end of a live concert.
In many ways, the growth in fitness and health directly parallels the change from an industrial economy to an information economy.
The horse stormed down the cobbled thoroughfare, which was a road that directly paralleled the river.
Psalm 44 directly parallels the Servant Songs, it is probably the best defense for reading Isaiah 53 as applicable to the nation of Israel.
Apple's rise to power in our time directly paralleled the transformation of global manufacturing.
Although the characters do not directly parallel those in "The Three Sisters," the comparison is intentional.
The solar system of Anthony's universe directly parallels the political makeup of modern Earth, as outlined in appendices in the series.