The client controls the translation of the request and can directly query data from the server.
When queried directly, an F.D.A. spokesman admitted that such "standards" are not official written policy.
A PoA can also be configured to directly query authentication servers for information about users, so no initial loading of temporary keys is needed.
There was no way for agents to directly query the system.
Indexes may be queried directly.
The airline's operators had to do the actual lookups as travel agents could not directly query this system.
After going public, Kamp realized that D-Link routers were directly querying other Stratum 1 time servers, violating the access policies of at least 43 of them in the process.
The controller may also have to query one or more models directly for information and pass these on to the view.
Oracle offered an XCMD that allowed HyperCard to directly query Oracle databases on any platform.
Still, I would feel less than truthful, not to mention a little disloyal, if I gave false testimony when queried directly.