For instance, the captured targets can be directly sequenced, bypassing the need for sequencing library construction.
In the 1960s and early 1970s, when the biochemical basis of Tay-Sachs disease was first becoming known, no mutations had been sequenced directly for genetic diseases.
Following amplification, the PCR product is either sequenced directly, or probed for the mutation of interest.
All PCR products were directly sequenced and both strands were sequenced as a routine.
RNA is not sequenced directly.
With the advance of Large-scale sequencing strategies, genomes of microorganisms in the acid mine drainage community are directly sequenced from the environment.
All RT-PCR bands at the expected size were also directly sequenced to confirm their identity.
Fetal cell DNA has been directly sequenced using shotgun sequencing technology.
PCR products were directly sequenced as follows.
Double-strand DNA sequencing is becoming an increasingly popular method by which the inserts of recombinant plasmids can be directly sequenced.