Today's programme includes Oscar-tipped actor Michael Fassbender (pictured) and director Steve McQueen on their new film, The World's Favourite TV and Desert Music.
But then is Shame, made by the British director Steve McQueen and starring two British actors but set in New York, also British?
The film is directed by British director Steve McQueen, who also co-wrote the script with John Ridley to adapt Northup's memoir.
Marie-Louise Muir talks to director Steve McQueen, Gruffalo creator julia Donaldson and musician Ghostpoet.
'Shame', a controversial new film from British director Steve McQueen, stars Michael Fassbender as a man controlled by his cravings.
Actor Michael Fassbender and director Steve McQueen share some of their favourite songs.
In it, acclaimed director Steve McQueen brings us a modern examination of needs and desires.
It's taken Shame, a powerfully bleak and unremitting film by acclaimed director Steve McQueen, to finally put it on the media map.