When the inspectors refused to give all the desired assurances the directors claimed a breach of natural justice.
At Cotești vineyards, the director would claim poor production due to "natural disasters", thus leaving a secret surplus.
The director of the film claimed it was not true.
Therefore he upheld the tribunal, that the directors could not claim reimbursement from National Insurance.
The director himself claimed that it was the only one of his films to be released exactly as he intended it.
The director claims to have been completely free of political influences during the film's production.
The director had claimed his inspiration was "the Armenian illuminated miniatures.
The director of the museum has claimed that the total worth of the art it holds is over $700 million.
The film's director claims it is not intended in any way to raise flags.
'We are running on empty; as a director of a company I can't even claim the dole,' Lane says.