'The director of the collective's a Koryak named Sinaneft, went around on a pony?'
New ministries were added, and an educational director named to develop programs for the youth and children of the church.
The World Trade Organization's director general named four new deputies to help him run the 134-nation trade regulatory group.
The director of the Naples observatory, Ernesto Capocci, named the asteroid.
Also named the honorific director of Super Magazine.
New director of culture named in Dubai, UPI, April 16, 2008.
The director of the local school, Edmundo Strien, formally named the village "Pirané" in 1926, and the change took effect the following year.
Mr. Murdoch agreed to preserve that system in London, and to allow the independent directors to name their own successors.
Strapped with finding a replacement on such short notice, the school's athletic director, Eugene Marshall Jr., named himself interim head coach.
He discovered a brilliant young director named John Ford who later went on to earn four Academy Awards.