Nine years later, he was promoted to director of the program and professor of political science.
In 1859 he became director of the polyclinic and a professor at the University of Breslau.
Now he is director of the Earth Institute at Columbia and a professor with appointments in three of the university's schools.
Glotz then became founding director of the University of Erfurt and professor for communication sciences.
For the following 26 years, he was director of the computer center and professor for computer science at the University of Mannheim, Germany.
Miss Dorfman, 52, who will keep her name, is the director of the university's School of Theater and a professor of theater.
In 1882, Bruns became director of the surgical clinic at Tübingen, as well as a full professor at the University.
In 1937, he was appointed director of the stellar observatory Sonnenborgh in Utrecht and full professor in astronomy at the university.
Cornell West, director of Afro-American studies program and professor of religion at Princeton University.
From 1953 to 1960, he was general director of Beth Israel Hospital in Boston and a professor at Harvard Medical School.