That director later resigned but has not been charged with a crime.
The director of the university's course in public relations resigned over the proposed cutbacks, saying that there weren't enough staff.
Days later, the two remaining independent directors resigned from the company's board.
Within 48 hours, during a conversation on Wednesday night, they had agreed that the director of communications would resign.
The new center fills the same space as a previous one that closed three years ago after its director resigned.
The executive director of the commission, who earned $135,000 a year, resigned on Thursday.
He has acted as executive director since the last one resigned in June.
It added that three other directors who owed money had resigned from the board.
Last year, the medical director and the head psychologist on the ward resigned, saying patients were kept until their insurance ran out.
In 2001, the agency's director resigned to protest a lack of adequate protection for children.