The minor problems in the script might have been glossed over by a different directorial approach than the one taken by Joe Yoga.
Yet, easygoing as he seems, there is a Woody Allen-ish quality to his directorial approach.
The plays are eloquent emanations, but in each case the directorial approach studiously undermines the author's intention.
This was a pivotal point in Piel's career, filmmakers had influenced his directorial approach to photography and he began to explore that passion further.
The directorial approach is so bold and vulgar that it has no business working.
No urtext remains of the 1937 production; any performance today is a result of reconstruction, conjecture and directorial approach.
Mr. Richardson cites the differing directorial approaches to Shakespeare as being analogous.
Plumbing the work for its metaphysical elements and setting it in an exotic locale are time-honored directorial approaches.
A directorial approach this bold and vulgar may have no business working, but here it often does.
He has often described his directorial approach as simply providing a form for the performance to fill.