Prisoners live in crowded and dirty conditions with poor access to decent food, clean water or adequate medicine.
Nonetheless, it did provoke discussion concerning how to deal with the cramped, dirty conditions that enveloped much of the city.
A subsequent investigation found these infections to be the result of dirty and overcrowded conditions at the hospital.
Nicole urinates in the cup and finds terribly messy and dirty conditions.
In fact, people did not have a very nice time working there, with dirty conditions, long hours, heat and underground work.
There was not enough food and the people were living in dirty conditions which caused even more passengers to become ill.
That happens with tractors, working in dirty conditions.
Drum brakes provide consistent braking in wet or dirty conditions since the mechanism is fully enclosed.
There are also many chains that have to operate in dirty conditions, and for size or operational reasons cannot be sealed.
His green eyes took in our dirty, dry condition and more besides.