Edit featuring the full dirty lyrics - You re wearing those dresses, sun comes shining through.
Whedon admitted on the DVD commentary for the episode that the song is "pornography" and "probably the dirtiest lyric I've ever written, but also very, very beautiful".
It's too late, of course, for him to develop an R. Kelly-style swagger (and besides, no one really wants to hear him sing those dirty lyrics).
The sexier, dirtier lyrics made it a favorite in the club circuits.
Scouring albums by the Indigo Girls for dirty lyrics, however, is like watching "Barney" for signs of intelligence: they are few and far between.
They discuss dirty lyrics over tea at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Girls Aloud came under fire for the album's allegedly "dirty lyrics".
After "Love Letters", Pierce began writing more songs with dirty lyrics and would play guitar and sing the songs entertaining friends on the weekend.
Åke (Jacob Ericksson) starts singing songs with dirty lyrics.
The black singer from Mississippi was caressing the dirty lyrics of the song as if the devil had entered her little church and corrupted not only the minister but the entire congregation.