After the events of June, those who had poked fun at China for its dirty toilets also reviled it for political brutality.
They're often gross...Compare dirty public toilets to privately run toilets.
Woneer, who lived in a place where threats against your life were as common as dirty toilets, grinned, and pushed the knife away.
"Those launchy colors sound like something you'd find in a dirty toilet, don't you think?"
All prisoners have to use dirty and crowded communal toilets.
You punch people; you hit them with sling shots; you dunk their heads in dirty toilets.
(That movie's more fantastical elements included a character who dives through a dirty toilet into an underwater netherworld and a head-spinning, wall-climbing baby.)
The factory she works in has little ventilation and dirty toilets.
Before he left, he urinated and left the dirty toilet unflushed, then shut the door and said, "Have a nice day."