And her obvious disability would cause any number of cops to let her off with a sympathetic warning.
Yet many can't, due to the fact their particular disability causes chronic pain, or the fact that they are not in fact disabled but sick.
The fact that their disability caused the same impairment did not factor into classification determination, the only consideration was their medical diagnosis.
Starting with the third season, York's disability caused ongoing shooting delays and script rewrites.
But that was done without the mandated meeting to determine whether the child's disability caused the vandalism.
Cox supports disability causes as a member of the World Committee on Disability.
Symptoms include motor retardation, developmental disability and numerous congenital anomalies causing serious health problems.
"The disabilities caused by hypophysectomy and their repair"
In developing countries people experience disabilities caused, for example, by landmines; for every child killed by a landmine three more are permanently injured.
In the years immediately following, the disability caused him some psychological pain.