The desire to work is important in disability coverage, insurers say.
A few states also provide short-term disability coverage for workers.
Her car insurance provided disability coverage, but her first check did not arrive for almost four months.
While it depends on your situation, many people can get disability coverage for about 1% to 3% of their annual salary, Lundquist says.
Will the policy provider continue making contributions to your pension plan so you have retirement benefits when the disability coverage ends?
It is virtually impossible to obtain long-term disability coverage for people who have any recent history of psychiatric treatment, industry experts agree.
It has been a leader in long-term disability coverage, with more than 16,000 contracts.
Transfers between insurance companies of life and other long-term policies for disability coverage are common.
"This raises the bar for disability coverage, but it really only means that truly disabled people can make a claim."
You may be happy with the disability coverage that your employer provides.