That decision was upheld on Dec. 8 by a state hearing officer, who cited Roberto's improved gait, the mild nature of his asthma, and, in the parlance of disability determinations, the "grossly normal" results of his recent psychological exam.
In response to Kerner and the underling demand for rationality inherent in District Court review, the SSA undertook a search for vocational evidence to support its disability determinations.
Additional services include state services for the blind, rehabilitation services, local labor exchange, and disability determination.
You do not need a new application or disability determination to receive a Social Security disability benefit during the EPE.
Psychologists may refer to the American Medical Association's Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (Rondinelli, Genovese, Katz, Mayer, Müller, Ranavaya, & Brigham, 2008) in arriving at disability determinations, which addresses mental health, neuropsychological, and pain issues.
Is the Social Security Act to be interpreted liberally in matters of disability determination?
In making a disability determination, Mr. Roberts said, the Social Security Administration does not take into account whether the person would be able to work if the employer offered particular accommodations.
The organization states that its members are committed to providing high quality representation for claimants, to maintaining a system of full and fair adjudication for every claimant, and to advocating for beneficial change in the disability determination and adjudication process.
It is not unreasonable to require that a personal physician's disability determination be verified by a city- or state-employed doctor if this is scheduled promptly after all other requirements have been met.
Division for Disability Determination Services (DDS), funded entirely through the Social Security Administration (SSA), makes disability determinations for Texans with severe disabilities who apply for Social Security Disability Insurance and/or Supplemental Security Income.