As one woman who had a disabled unemployed husband commented:
Edie congratulates her for accepting the lifelong task of caring for a disabled husband.
Left with two children to care for, as well as a disabled husband, Melodie abandons Jory and the children.
Little is known about how her relationship with her developmentally disabled husband (save her words to her second husband, referred to below) was.
Here is how she describes a woman's disabled first husband (without a dash of irony): "Sam, like Oedipus, had a problem with his feet."
While working full time and raising my three children and taking care of my disabled husband.
I am a full-time carer of my disabled, bedbound husband.
She has two sons, both married with families, who live at some distance, and an older sister living in Brighton who cares for a disabled husband.
Her disabled 71-year-old husband, Robert, smiled and nodded at his soup.
It hired single women, widows, or women with disabled or absent husbands.