Even when there is adequate space, caring for an ill or disabled parent can take its toll.
Children in households with disabled parents are also more likely to miss out on education.
Moreover, such programs do not address the needs of welfare children living with disabled or immigrant parents, who experience greater financial hardship, studies find.
We have gone with friends and relatives, including infant children and disabled parents.
Many disabled parents and grandparents would disagree with you on this I suspect!
They are busy in school, raising young children or caring for disabled parents.
There are 200,000 such families, and more than half of them include a sick or disabled parent.
They laid a kitchen floor and built a wheelchair ramp in the home of a family with physically disabled parents.
One of them, a mother with a little girl, organised a movement of disabled parents.
And all but the wealthiest families face financial ruin if a disabled parent or child requires long-term care.